Family test

Personal DNA card


  • A personal DNA tag is a form of genetic profile. Each individual DNA tag contains the DNA code - the unique genetic data of each person. This code is unique in the world.
  • The DNA card is only made once, used for a lifetime, used in many situations: Identification of identity, blood relationship, protection of legal rights, health care ... and helps reduce damage in various situations. Special situations such as kidnapping, accident, disappearance, etc.
  • Everyone should own a personal DNA card. But there are some subjects who are encouraged to use personal DNA identification cards such as: Children, people who work away from home, people who do dangerous work: Police, firefighters...


The DNA tag is considered a biological identity card, making it easy to identify blood relations, quickly identify identity and ensure legal rights. Specifically:

  • More convenient in searching, determining blood relations, kinship relationships. Just by looking at the DNA code, experts can tell if two people are related by blood.
  • Avoiding time and economic losses due to difficulties in identification in unexpected situations such as: Kidnapping, labor accidents....
  • Avoid having the grave excavated, mistakenly excavated to determine the identity or blood relationship when the person unfortunately passes away.


To make a personal DNA card is extremely simple. You just need to contact a reputable genetic testing and analysis facility (1800 2010). Request a genetic test to make a personal DNA tag and then follow the necessary procedures according to the instructions.

Samples used for genetic DNA tags include:

  • Blood sample
  • Hair model with legs
  • Nail Patterns
  • Dried umbilical cord sample..

Where should it be performed?

Currently, there are many addresses that provide personal DNA tag services. However, not all addresses fully meet the conditions of Lab technology, expertise, legal ... to ensure your DNA Tag is accurate and secure.

Therefore, when looking for an address to make a personal DNA card, you should research carefully and only choose an address that meets the following criteria:

    • Certified by the regulatory authority to operate in the field of genetic testing, the results are legally valid and recognized worldwide
    • There is an ISO certified laboratory in management such as ISO 9001:2015: To ensure a closed process, samples are encrypted to avoid situations where genetic information is stolen.
    • State-of-the-art genetic analysis technology and the use of Kits from 24 loci to ensure accurate results.
    • A well-known, experienced genetics specialist to verify results and read them accurately for you.

According to many experts in the field of genetics: GENTIS is one of the leading prestigious genetic testing sites in Vietnam.


GENTIS is the pioneer in genetic analysis experienced with more than 100,000 samples.

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